Hey, Pepper here. Salt and I made our usually weekly visit to the second-hand store uptown. We picked up a cute little table for $20. Salt is working on that one already. I spied this ugly old clock and knew I could turn it into something fabulous! Salt wasn't as convinced and I'm pretty sure she didn't want to spend a single penny from our tickle trunk for this clock. The picture makes it look better than it was but trust me, it was hideous with scratches and brass and flowers and a cheap plastic finial. Uck.
When I asked the shop owner how much the clock was, he said I could just have it. Free with the purchase of our table. Woohoo! Score! And I didn't have to guilt Salt into parting with some of our cash-ola.
Once we were back in our workshop, I quickly got down to the business of dismantling the clock and gave it a good rough sanding to knock down some of the glossy finish. Then I proceeded to fill the dings and scratches (and these weird little country-looking moose-track accents carved into the wood) with some wood filler. Wait for it to dry, re-sand and more wood fill.
Over the course of the next two days, I sanded some more, primed, and applied glossy turquoise paint to the body of this clock 6 times. I also straightened out the clock hands and painted them in a matte black. The plastic finial and brass frame also got sanded, primed and painted in matte black. The final step before bed last night was a good coat of satin sealer to even out the shine.
I had initially cut a bright yellow paper for the clock face but found it too bright next to the equally brilliant turquoise. So I switched it out for an earlier paper that I had picked, which had more shades of green and a hint of blue. I love the final product and can’t wait to see what Salt says. Was it worth it? Well it was free so definitely but even it I had paid $5 for the clock, I would still say that it was money well-spent. What do you think?
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